
EXIF Renamer (Version 1.5.0) New version!
Do you have a digital camera? Tired of those cryptic filenames (like "P100032.JPG")? Just drop your pictures, or a folder containing pictures on this app. By examining the DATE-information in the EXIF-data this application will rename your pictures in the form "YYYY-MM-DD (HH.MM.SS).jpg".
Update: 1.5 will accept basically any form of EXIF data.
Xtract2Wave44 (Version 1.0.0)
Just drop a bunch of QuickTime movies, or audio files (like MP3, Aiff or other), on this app and it will extract / convert the files to WAVE format, 44.1 kHz, 16 bits, stereo. It's a perfect tool to convert a whole bunch of MP3's, or to extract the audio from a bunch of movies.
Xtract2Wave48 (Version 1.0.0)
This is the same app as the previous, only difference is that it produces 48kHz files. I made them into separate apps to make them easier to use. No settings or dialogs, just drop the files on the appropriate application. This one is useful when you extract audio from movies for conversion to DVD audio.
mplexer (New version 1.0.1)
This is a graphical user interface for mplex, a GPL-licensed (GNU General Public License) tool for multiplexing MPEG audio and video into MPEG system streams. For obvious reasons, this app will only work under OS X.
mpgtx Batch Demuxer (Version 1.0.0)
This is a graphical user interface for mpgtx, a GPL-licensed (GNU General Public License) toolbox for working with MPEG streams. mpgtx Batch Demuxer makes it possible to demux several MPEG-movies in one single operation. For obvious reasons, this app will only work under OS X.
MPLAY Multimedia Player (Version 1.8)
I have been developing this shareware application since 1999. MPLAY Multimedia Player is a multimedia player that supports a wide range of media formats (in fact, everything that QuickTime plays). In addition, it contains playlists, skins, an MP3 mixer, audio/midi player, videoplayer and an image viewer. With a steady     -rating and over 50,000 downloads at VersionTracker, this application could be worth checking out.
MP3 Trimmer (Version 2.8)
MP3 Trimmer makes it possible to cut and trim MP3 files without re-encoding them. Additional features available as well. Nice ratings at VersionTracker (latest version has a     -rating) with over 3,000 downloads the first month it was released.
SnapNotes (Version 1.1) New version!
Multi-purpose organizer. Store your notes, recipes, lyrics, music- or movie collection, to-do outlines, website links, javasnippets, phonenumbers and addresses. Low-priced shareware (only $5)!
Update: 1.1 features a lot of improvements, most of them related to printing. In addition, SnapNotes is now Freeware!
All applications on this page is © 2008 deepNiner