NOTE: Because of technical reasons skins may differ somewhat from the screenshots in the OS X version of MPLAY.
Glass  [download - approx. 350Kb]
A very good-looking skin from brilliant skinmaker Shunsuke!
Skin design: Shunsuke Nakano
Melt  [download - approx. 450Kb]
Blue skin with a liquid surface...
Skin design: Shunsuke Nakano
Dark Green  [download - approx. 60Kb]
Dark green, with glowing buttons - very cool skin!
Skin design: Shunsuke Nakano
Emerald Zone  [download - approx. 300Kb]
"...because MPLAY needed a green skin, too..."
Skin design: deepNiner
"Zorn on Acid"  [download - approx. 185Kb]
Cool variation on the Zornskin.
Skin design: Dan Schmidt
R & B  [download - approx. 240Kb]
Cool black & red skin.
Skin design: Ivo Dancet
MonoChrome  [download - approx. 250Kb]
Based on Mac OS X QuickTime Player.
Skin design: Mark Brethen
Blue Theme  [download - approx. 160Kb]
Nice skin with a ice-blue feeling.
Skin design: Ivo Dancet
Zornskin Kolor  [download - approx. 20Kb]
Cool variant on the QuickTime'ish-skin. Good job, Harry!
Skin design: Harry Zorn
Zornskin Special Edition  [download - approx. 180Kb]
Even cooler than the Kolor-version! Made with ResEdit and GraphicConverter.
Skin design: Harry Zorn
Firestorm  [download - approx. 460Kb]
New, vivid skin with a hot look....
Skin design: deepNiner
Atlantis  [download - approx. 455Kb]
Underwater-theme on this new skin.
Skin design: deepNiner
fabriq  [download - approx. 150Kb]
Dark and mystic look on this new skin from Dan. Cool variant of the original "fabrique"-skin.
Skin design: Dan Schmidt
fabrik/fabrick [download / download - approx. 490Kb/each]
Two new, yellow skins from our #1 skinmaker Dan!
Colorful versions of "fabrique"...
Skin design: Dan Schmidt
IG Blue  [download - approx. 150Kb]
New, very nice skin from the people at Check it out!
Skin design: